win aero
win aero


Exploring the Magic of Windows Aero

WindowsAeroisadesignlanguageandgraphicaluserinterfaceintroducedwithWindowsVista.It'sknownforitssleek,glass-likewindowbordersandsubtle ...

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Download Winaero Tweaker

2015年3月9日 — Winaero Tweaker. The all-in-one app from Winaero. It will include almost all apps released by Winaero along with new tweaks and options.

Exploring the Magic of Windows Aero

Windows Aero is a design language and graphical user interface introduced with Windows Vista. It's known for its sleek, glass-like window borders and subtle ...


Winaero Tweaker is a free app for all versions of Windows that lets you adjust (i.e. tweak) hidden secret settings that Microsoft does not let you adjust ...

Winaero Tweaker

Winaero Tweaker is a freeware app created by myself, Sergey Tkachenko. It is an all-in-one application that comes with dozens of options for fine-grained ...

Windows Aero

Windows Aero is the design language introduced in the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. The changes introduced by Windows Aero encompassed many ...

Windows Aero

Windows Aero是從Windows Vista開始使用的使用者介面設計語言,透明玻璃感讓使用者一眼貫穿。「Aero」為四個英文單字的首字母縮略字:Authentic(真實)、Energetic( ...

Windows Aero_百度百科

Windows Aero是从Windows Vista开始使用的新型用户界面,透明玻璃感让用户一眼贯穿。“Aero”为四个英文单字的首字母缩略字:Authentic(真实)、Energetic(动感)、 ...


A free portable software that aims to bring back elements of the Aero design from Windows Vista & 7 such as reflective materials and background blurs.

如何啟動與關閉Windows Vista裡的Windows Aero 功能?

如何啟動與關閉Windows Vista裡的Windows Aero 功能? · 1. 按下開始,再按下控制台。 · 2. 按下外觀及個人化。 · 3. 按下個人化。 · 4. 按下視窗色彩及外觀。 出現視窗 ...

有關Windows Aero * 的常見問答集

請確認您的Windows Vista 版本支援Windows Aero。 請確認您使用的驅動程式是以Windows * 顯示驅動程式模型(WDDM)為基礎。 請確認您的電腦符合Windows Aero 的最低硬體 ...


2015年3月9日—WinaeroTweaker.Theall-in-oneappfromWinaero.ItwillincludealmostallappsreleasedbyWinaeroalongwithnewtweaksandoptions.,WindowsAeroisadesignlanguageandgraphicaluserinterfaceintroducedwithWindowsVista.It'sknownforitssleek,glass-likewindowbordersandsubtle ...,WinaeroTweakerisafreeappforallversionsofWindowsthatletsyouadjust(i.e.tweak)hiddensecretsettingsthatMicrosoftdoesnotletyouadjust ....

Aura Beta 3 - 視窗顏色變變變!

Aura Beta 3 - 視窗顏色變變變!
